Yes! Adventure is for everyone.
Scouts only exists because you make it happen. We know how important it is having easy access to all the information and guidance you need. Whatever your role, we want to empower and support you as much as we can.
Scouts helps children and young adults reach their full potential. Scouts develop skills including teamwork, time management, leadership, initiative, planning, communication, self-motivation, cultural awareness and commitment. We help young people to get jobs, save lives and even change the world.
You can volunteer and help in many ways; you don’t have to be a regular Bear Grylls. You might have first aid knowledge that you could teach the group, or you might be able to teach our Scouts a thing or two about DIY.
If you’re good with accounts you could be Group treasurer, or if you’re a culinary whizz you could run cooking sessions with the young people. Everyone has a skill (whether you know it or not) and we can make use of it.
There’s no pressure to continue as a helper or leader afterwards, but hopefully we’ll be able to inspire you by showing how easy and rewarding it can be to volunteer with Scouts.
Thinking about volunteering?
All of our leaders are trained volunteers, working to make sure Scouting is safe, inclusive and accessible. Some lead a section week in and week out. Others visit occasionally to help run a session or drop in to share their skills.
Our volunteers come from many different backgrounds and with a variety of skills. Some of our volunteers have been in scouting for many years, others for just a few months (or weeks!) They either commit to a few hours a week or just give time to help at our events.
These are just a few of things that you could become involved in if you became a volunteer:
Running our Regular meetings
Scouting is becoming more and more popular. We have waiting lists for all our sections and are currently looking for some new adult helpers to support the group as it grows.
Fundraising events for our group
We fundraise in many different ways, through jumble sale, fetes, family nights such as Ceilidhs and skittle evenings. Car boot sales, fashion shows, sponsored walks etc.
At present we have 3 main committees.
General Scout Committee
Who address such matters as the new building, publicity and ensure the overall effectiveness of the group.
Social Committee
Who plan and co-ordinate our fundraising events.
Fundraising Committee
Who primarily look at grant making bodies and also make applications for grants from local and national charities.